Announcing the slate of candidates presented by the Nominating Committee for election by the membership:
- Carlos Hernandez, AIA, rdc. – to serve as President
- Eric Nulman, AIA, Architect | USC Faculty | Rancho Palos Verdes Planning Commissioner – to serve as AIA California Representative
- Bryan Winters, AIA, humnlab+ architecture / – Director / Immediate Past President
- Lance Collins, AIA, Partner Energy – to serve as AIA California Representative (to replace Carlos Hernandez, AIA, currently serving in this position)
- Jenny Delgado, AIA, CannonDesign – Director
- Alec Johnson, AIA, California State University, Long Beach – Director
Members elected on October 3 will join the following whose terms have yet to expire:
- Casey Chapin, AIA, LPA Inc. – to serve as Vice President/President-Elect
- Jeromy Rogan, AIA, Morley Builders – to serve as Director
- Allie Schieble, AIA, Oatman Architects – to serve as Treasurer
- Vic Nguyen, AIA, Gillis + Panichapan Architects, Inc. – to serve as Secretary
- George Jang, Associate AIA, Irwin Partners Architects – to serve as Associate Director
- Nominations due: August 9, 2024
- Slate announced: by mid-September via e-blast and website posting
- Annual Election: October 3, 2024, in conjunction with the AIA LBSB Chapter Town Hall – a special edition of BARchitecture
- Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the election by members in good standing
The Board of Directors may consist of up to twelve (12) total members, each serving for two years unless otherwise noted, and includes the following positions (refer to section 6.3 Officers and Directors of the AIA LBSB Chapter Bylaws for position information):
- President (succeeds the Immediate Past President director position in the subsequent year)
- Vice President/President-Elect (succeeds the President in the subsequent year)
- Treasurer (a one-year officer position)
- Secretary (a one-year officer position)
- Past President
- Associate Director
- Two (2) California Council Representatives (may also serve in another capacity on the Board)
- Four (4) Directors