Executive Committee
Board of Directors
Click here to read the 5 Year Strategic Plan adopted by the Board of Directors in June 2023.
Click here to read the 2023 Annual Report of the President.
The AIA Long Beach / South Bay Chapter’s Board of Directors provides oversight and strategic planning to ensure the health and growth of the organization. Prospective Board Members are selected by an annual Nominating Committee and are formally elected following a subsequent vote by the Chapter members-in-good-standing.
Governing Documents
Administrative & Operational Policies
The Board of Directors may consist of up to twelve (12) total members, each serving for two years unless otherwise noted, and includes the following positions:
President (succeeds to Past President director position in the subsequent year)
Vice President/President-Elect (succeeds to President in the subsequent year)
Treasurer (a two-year officer position)
Secretary (a one-year officer position)
Immediate Past President
Associate Director
Two (2) California Council Representatives
The balance of the board members hold Director positions
Each member of the Board serves for a two-year term with the exception of the Vice President/President-Elect who will succeed to President and then to Immediate Past President. Two members on the Board of Directors also serve as the representatives of the AIA LBSB for AIA California.